Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Raiding is going to be a completely different experience in WOTLK. Shaman totems are now raid wide as are other buffs from other classes. Bloodlust is now on 5 minute cooldown after you use it. Players may only use one mana pot per boss fight.

For more information on Raiding or WOTLK visit


Northrend is a continent located in the North part of Azeroth. The continent is mostly rough terrain with snow covered mountains. Players will arrive by boat at certain docks depending where the departure point is.

There will be a variety of questing and lvling zones for many levels in Northrend. There is approximately 11 zones with mobs as low as level 68. You may also travel to the North Continent at any level

The first ever full (PVP) area in (PVE) will be on Northren. It is a place called Lake Wintergrasp.
The continent is also home to Arthas Menethil and Ner'Zhul who combine to make up the main focuse on the new expansion.

For more on Northrend and WOTLK check out

Death Knight

The first Hero class of World of Warcraft is the Death Knight. A Death Knight is said to be able to tank as well as dps. Unlike other characters who use Energy,Rage, or Mana, the Death Knight uses Runes. Death Knights will be able to wear plate armor, and will be able to tank with a two handed weapon.

Players who purchase the WOTLK expansion pack will not be able to create a Death Knight class unless they have a character that is lvl 55 or higher. In this case the player will be able to create one Death Knight on the realm that the lvl 55+ character is on. Death Knights may be any race, alliance or horde.

For more information on Death Knights or WOTLK check out